대한핵의학회지 (1967년~2009년)
대한핵의학회지 1989;23(2)155~9
원저 : 99mTc - HMPAO SPECT를 이용한 정상인 국소뇌혈류의 정량적 분석 ( Normal Control Study of Cerebral Blood Flow by Tc - 99m HM - PAO SPECT )
Author 문대혁(Dae Hyuk Moon),이범우(Bum Woo Lee),이경한(Kyung Han Lee),최윤호(Yoon Ho Choi),정준기(June Key Chung),이명철(Myung Chul Lee),고창순(Chang Soon Koh),윤병우(Byung Woo Yoon),이남수(Nam Soo Lee),노재규(Jae Kyu Roh),명호진(Ho Jin Myung),궁성수(Sung Soo Koong),

Regional cerebral perfusion was evaluated in 15 normal controls by single photon emission comput- ed tomography using ""Tc HM-PAO. For quantitative analysis, 13 pairs of hornologous region of interest (ROI) were drawn on three transverse slices matching the vascular territories and cerebral cortices, and normal values of '3 semiqunatitative indices including Right to left ratio (R/L ratio), 'Regional index' (RI), and 'Region to cerebellum ratio (R/cbll ratio) were calculated. Mean values of R/L ratios of homologous regions were ranged frorn 0.985 to 1.023, and mean +- 2 s.d. of ali regions did not exceed 11% of mean. Significant difference of Rls (mean count per voxel of a ROJ/mean count per voxel of total ROls) between regions were found (p<0.001) with highest values in occipital cortex and cerebellum. After attenuation correction, Rls in deep gray, cranial portion of anterior cerebral artery and vascular territories in the 2nd siice increased significantly (p< 0.05 0.001). hut vise versa in other ROIs. Reginn to cerebellum ratios also showed regional difference siinifar to Rls.

Full text Article 28500944.pdf 28500944.pdf
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