학회 연혁 - 역대수상자
* 수상자격

수상 후보자는 대한핵의학회 수련회원과 만40세 미만이거나 박사학위 취득 후 7년 이내 정회원으로 당해년도 대한핵의학회 추계학술대회에서 젊은 연구자상 발표자 (기초, 임상)를 대상으로 한다

DuPont상 (1994년~1996년, 1997년도부터 학술상명칭 변경 : 젊은 연구자상)
연도 수상자 (소속) 논문제목
1994 범희승 (전남의대) Idenification of Small Myocardial Injury by 99mTc Pyrophosphate SPECT in Patients Undergoing Radiofrequency Ablation of Arrhythmia
1995 김상은 (삼성의료원) 정상인과 파킨슨병 환자에서 [123I]-CIT SPECT를 이용한 도파 민재섭취 부위의 영상화
1996 김희중 (울산의대) 파킨슨환자에서 병의 진행정도와 [123I]IPT SPECT로 측정된 도 파민운반체 양과의 상관관계
젊은 연구자상 (1997년~현재)
연도 수상자 (소속) 논문제목
1997 최준영 (삼성서울병원) Accuracy of Gated Cine-images for Differentiating Fixed Defects from Attenuation Artifacts in 99mTc Tetofosmin Myocardial SPECT
이원우 (서울의대) Comparison with Visual Grading, Projection Views and Ejection Fractions.
1998 김재승 (울산의대) Predictive Value of Diamox Stress Brain SPECT for the Use of Selective Shunting During Carotic Endarterectomy (CEA)
민정준 (전남의대) 골신티그라피를 시행한 환자에서 방사선 적응반응의 유도에 관 한 연구
1999 정환정 (전남의대) 99mTc HMPAO 국소전달요법의 관상동맥스텐트 재협착 역제효과
이재성 (서울의대) 강박증의 치료 전후 뇌대사 분석
2000 이경한 (삼성서울병원) Development of 123I labeled Angiostatin as a Novel Cancer Imaging Agent
민정준 (서울의대) 갑상선 분화암의 재발병변에서 sodium/iodide symporter의 발현과 131I 섭취간의 관련성
2001 박정미 (삼성서울병원) Differential regional cerebral glucose metabolism in clinical syndromes of frontotemporal lobar degeneration: a study with FDG PET
이용진 (서울의대) Sodium/iodide symporter 유전자 이입 갑상선 미분화암 세포 에서 방사성 핵종 치료의 동물 실험.
2002 이은미 (원광의대) Galactosyl-Methylated Chitosan을 이용한 간 표적 나노 영상화
이원우 (울산의대) Imaging of Adenovirus-mediated Expression of Human Sodium Iodide Symporter (hNIS) by 99mTcO4 Scan in Mice
2003 이은정 (성균관의대) CT-보정 PET에서 FDG 섭취양상과 감쇠보정용 CT 소견을 이 용한 폐암의 수술전 림프절 병기결정 성적 향상
소민경 (서울의대) 이중 리포터 유전자(Dual reporter gene)를 이용한 Retinoic Acid의 활성 영상법 개발
2004 김범산 (서울의대) Asymmetrically thickened posterior wall is associated with decline of ejection fraction after stress on adenosine stress/ rest thallium-201 gated myocardial SPECT
임수정 (울산의대) Retinoic acid가 유방암 세포주(MCF-7)에서 내인성 및 adeno- virus에 의하여 주입된 sodium/iodide symporter유전자 발현 을 증가시킨다.
2005 오소원 (서울의대) Decreased Serotonin Transporters in the Hypothalamus and Midbrain in Patients with Multiple Systemic Atrophy: A Study with [123I]-FP-CITA
김광일 (서울의대) 미분화갑상선암세포에서 doxorubicin이 CMV 프로모터의 조절을 받는 이입유전자의 발현에 미치는 영향
2007 박은경 (서울의대) α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment: A study with 5-[I-123]iodo-A-85380 SPECT
정재호 (원자력의학원) I-124 Labeled Recombinant Human Annexin V produced by E. coli for Apoptosis Image using Small Animal PET
2008 채선영 (울산의대) Detection of Cerebral Beta-amyloid Deposition using C-11 PIB PET
Sheng-Nan Jiang (전남의대) Imaging and Therapy of Cancer Combined with Recombinant Tumor-Targeting Bacteria and Radiotherapy in Mouse Tumor Models
2009 조호진 (연세의대) First in human evaluation of a newly developed integrin binding PET tracer, 18F-RGD-K5 in patients with breast cancer: Comparison with 18F-FDG uptake pattern and microvessel density
Dinesh Shetty (서울의대) Synthesis of Macrocycle-Amino Acid Derivatives for 68Ga-PET Application
2010 신광호 (울산의대) Comparison of 18F-Fluorothymidine (FLT) and 18F-FDG PET for Early Prediction of Response to Erlotinib Therapy in Patients with Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
박재준 (한국원자력의학원) HSV1-tk 와 firefly luciferase 유전자 이입 만성골수성백혈병 세포의 추적을 위한 직접표지법과 간접표지법의 비교
2011 오종률 (전남대) New Classification for Small Cell Lung Cancer Using Whole Body Metabolic Tumor Volume of 18F-FDG PET/CT
윤현석 (서울대) Simultaneous PET/MR imaging with a Silicon Photomultiplier PET Scanner
2012 강세령 (전남대) Intratumoral metabolic heterogeneity can predict disease progression after concurrent chemoradiotherapy in patients with inoperable stage III non-small cell lung cancer
문병석 (분당서울대) Synthesis and evaluation of fluorine-18 labeled PBR28 derivative as a novel radiotracer for imaging the TSPO
2013 김동연 (화순전남대) Comparison of The First-Pass Extraction Fraction of [18F]Labeled Fluoroalkylphosphonium Salts as Myocardial Imaging Agents
이승진 (가천대) Thymidine phosphorylase shapes [18F]fluorothymidine uptake in cancer cells and patients with non-small cell lung cancer
김유경 (보라매병원) Functional recovery after ischemic stroke is associated with reduced GABAergic inhibition in the infarct area: [18F]flumazenil PET study
안영실 (아주대) Improvement of dopamine transporter binding after bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell therapy in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease: small animal PET studies with F-18 FP-CIT
2014 진소영 (서울아산병원) Feasibility of early-phase 18F-FP-CIT PET image for differential diagnosis of atypical parkinsonism: Preliminary study
김우형 (서울대병원) A Novel Folate Targeted Molecular Imaging and Theranostic Agent Based on Folate-Tetrapeptide Conjugate Labeled with Technetium and Rhenium
2015 오정수 (서울아산병원) Striatum and Midbrain Specific F-18 FP-CIT Analysis in Parkinson Disease
조상건 (화순전남대) Left ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony measured using myocardial SPECT predicts cardiac events in acute myocardial infarction with multi-vessel disease
2016 최홍윤 (서울의대) Predicting Cognitive Decline with Deep Learning of Brain Metabolism and Amyloid Imaging
김해원 (계명의대) Decreased glucose metabolism of the left cerebral hemisphere in Very Low Birth Weight Infants
2017 이철희 (서울대학교) The mechanism of 18F-FDG accumulation and adenine nucleotide translocase2 (ANT2) expression in cancer cells
손승현 (경북의대) The effect of parotid gland massage to prevent salivary gland dysfunction after high dose radioactive iodine therapy for differentiated thyroid cancer
2018 이동윤 (서울아산병원) Early Metabolic Response Assessed by FDG-PET after One Week of Osimertinib Therapy as a Surrogate Marker to Predict Tumor Response: A Pilot Study in Patients with Metastatic Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
박준영 (서울대병원) Measurement of Glomerular Filtration Rate using Quantitative SPECT/CT and Deep-learning-based Kidney Segmentation
2019 김용일 (서울아산병원) Prognostic value of Ga-68-DOTATOC PET/CT in metastatic, well-differentiated gastroenteropancreatic-neuroendocrine tumor patients who received lanreotide therapy
박해욱 (서울대병원) Development and Initial Results of MR-compatible Brain PET Insert for 7T MRI Scanners
2020 강승관 (서울대병원) Fast and accurate spatial normalization of amyloid brain PET with deep neural networks
오민영 (서울아산병원) 뇌영상 ATN 바이오마커 기반 경도인지기능장애 환자 분류 체계 세분화 및 예후 예측
2021 박수빈 (순천향의대) Potential of 99mTc-MIBI dynamic renal scan and quantitative SPECT/CT for the evaluation of renal mitochondrial dysfunction: a prospective study
한상원 (서울아산병원) Fully automatic quantitative measurement of 18F-FDG PET/CT in thymic epithelial tumors using a convolutional neural network
2022 박기수 (고려대 안산병원) Visualization of macrophage inflammatory activity on visceral obesity in high-fat diet-induced mice by 18F-FDG PET/CT
이석용 (서울대학교병원) Cerenkov luminescence imaging of interscapular brown adipose tissue using a TSPO-targeting PET probe in the UCP1 ThermoMouse
2023 고나래 (서울아산병원) A novel application utilizing fully automated synthesis of [18F]ASEM for assessing peripheral nerve injury-induced muscle denervation
김동우 (세브란스병원) Visualizing Cancer-Originating Acetate Uptake Through MCT1 in Reactive Astrocytes in the Glioblastoma Tumor Microenvironment
2024 소수연 (서울대학교 의과대학) LNC1004 as a Theranostic Tool in Fibroblast Activation Protein (FAP)-Overexpressed Tumors : A Strategy to Reduce MDSCs
이석현 (한림대 강남성심병원) Comparison of CNN and Transformer Models in Diagnosing Bone Metastases on Bone Scans with Grad-CAM
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