대한핵의학회지 (1967년~2009년)
대한핵의학회지 1970;4(2)41~13
간경변증의 간주사상 판독에 있어서의 평점제적용에 관한 임상적 연구 ( A Clinical Study on the Value of a Scoring System of the Scanning Images in Liver Cirrhosis )
Author 장고창(Ko Chang Chang),

Although the radioisotope liver scan has primarily been of use in the detection of the intra-hepatic space occupying lesions, there has been an increasing awareness of its use in evaluation of liver function. In this study, the degree of hepatomegaly, changes in shape and mottling radiodensity on each lobe and splenic visualization in the liver scans done with colloidal radiogold were numerically expressed as scores under the arbitrary standard in 210 patients with liver cirrhosis. The clinical value of this scoring system was studied with special regards to the correlation between the radiogold hepatic uptake half time and conventional liver function tests. Following were the results;1) The normal scan appeared in 6.7% of 210 patients with liver cirrhosis. 2) The colloidal radiogold hepatic uptake half time was abnormally and progressively prolonged in parallel to severity of hepatocellular dysfunction. The mean hepatic uptake half time in cirrhosis showing normal scan was 2.76¡¾0.73 minutes.

Full text Article 28502789.pdf 28502789.pdf
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