대한핵의학회지 (1967년~2009년)
대한핵의학회지 1987;21(2)228~2
Interesting Image : Histiocytic Medullary Reticulosis in Spleen with Splenic Infarcts
Author (Dong Soo Lee),(Seoung Oh Yang),(Myung Joon Kim),(Hyung Shik Choi),(Kyung Soo Lee),

A 22-year-old rnale patient was admitted in CAF(H due to easy fatigability and abdominal fullness. Huge hepatosplenomegaly and thronabocytopenia wexe found. Due to splenic rupture after minor trauma, emergency exploratory laparotomy ivas done. Histiocytic medullary reticulosis was the pathologic diagnosis. 1 he histology of the liver, spleen and abdominal lymph nodes showed the same changes.

Full text Article 28500772.pdf 28500772.pdf
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