대한핵의학회지 (1967년~2009년)
Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2008;42(Suppl)101~109
자궁경부암에서 18F-FDG PET의 임상 이용
(Clinical Application of 18F-FDG PET in Cervix Cancer)
Author 오소원1, 김석기2,
So Won Oh1, Seok-ki Kim2
Affiliation 서울대학교병원 핵의학과1, 국립암센터 핵의학과2
1Department of Nuclear Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Cervix cancer is one of common gynecological cancers in the world, and staged with FIGO or TNM system. However, these clinical staging systems lack information about lymph node or distant metastases, thus imaging modalities are considered to make an appropriate therapeutic plan and enhance overall survival rate. In this context, FDG PET is recommended to pre-treatment stating and prognosis prediction, for it could noninvasively evaluate the status of lymph nodes, especially abdominal paraaortic nodes which are closely related with prognosis. Moreover, the degree of FDG uptake is correlated with prognosis. Although there is no consistent method for surveillance of cervix cancer, FDG PET seems a very important tool in detecting tumor recurrence because it is much more advantageous than conventional imaging modalities such as MRI for discerning recurrent tumor from fibrosis caused by radiation or surgery. Furthermore, FDG PET could be used to evaluate treatment response. On the other hand, recently introduced PET/CT is expected to play an ancillary role to FIGO staging by adding anatomical information, and enhance diagnostic performance of PET by decreasing false positive findings. (Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2008;42(suppl 1):101-109)

Keyword cervix cancer, FDG PET
Full text Article 42s15.pdf 42s15.pdf
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